Friday, April 25, 2008


That's what I feel for my party after watching this ad.

This is absolutely disgusting. The ugly collectivism of this ad flies right in the face of a the underlying principle of individualism that is the bedrock of a free society. This ad is the tactic not of someone or some people interested in protecting individual liberty or who possess the quality of leadership, but in dividing us into group and promoting group stereotypes solely for the purpose of gaining power. Only this ad will not get North Carolina Republicans one inch closer to power, as it will surely alienate the very people we must build bridges with in order to build our party and reduce government. This ad will damage the campaigns of Republican candidates around the state, especially those like B.J. Lawson who are fighting so hard for the principle of limited government in a heavily Democratic district.

Shame on the Party for this ad. I am especially disappointed in Linda Daves, who up to this point I held in the highest regard, for endorsing this. She lost some respect from me in the last couple of days.

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