And the Republicans acted like he was some drunk uncle with an embarrassing secret, instead of the most exciting thing to happen in more than a decade.
Now, the NC Repubs have dealt a death blow to the enthusiasm of the Ron Paul Republicans, with their high-handed tactics in choosing delegates.
Then, this week we all found out that the "statist quo" is going to be preserved in our state for the debates. Only the two candidates from the political cartel are going to be allowed to participate.
Some problems with this:
1. The Libertarians did what is required to get on the ballot. That's not easy. Why isn't it enough to get into the debate?
2. The Republicans are confident that they don't need to show respect to Ron Paul; you Republicans will go to the polls like sheep and vote for McCain anyway. And they believe that they can leave me out of the Gov debates, so you will vote for Pat McCrory.
Are they right? Are you just going to vote for the lesser of two evils?
Or are you guys going to stand up, and remember the way Ron Paul was treated?
I hope, at a minimum, I can count on your support on July 3, for the Money Grenade Brigade. I need at least 1,000 separate contributions. I don't care how big the contributions are. But I need 1,000 to contribute, or pledge to contribute, on July 3.

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