Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain fights inexperience with inexperience

John McCain has announce his VP running mate:

Sarah Palin....

what? who?



Chandler Vatavuk said...

The national media seems to be fawning over this woman, well at least in the early returns after her speech last night. How long will this continue? We shall see...

custody2008 said...

She is a master stroke by McCain. Sarah is a social and fiscal conservative, a maverick who is willing and able to stand up to the system and fight for what she wants. She and he together represent REAL change in government and the democrats are running scared (witness the ferocity of the attacks against her). This is only going to get better.

Mark said...

Fiscal conservative? She didn't cut Alaska's spending in any meaningful way, she just used federal tax dollars and oil revenue to cut taxes. That's not fiscally conservative. If anything, it's a welfare state.

Rebecca Lawrence said...
