Sunday, September 21, 2008

3 Percent!!!

"3 percent in the poll said they would support someone else"

Must have been no option for the third party voters such as *cough* Bob Barr *cough*.


Brian Dixon said...

Off topic: SiteMeter tells me that someone linked to Reflections on Playboy from this site. Thanks for the blogroll! If I don't necessarily blogroll you back, it's only because, as a matter of style, I prefer a smaller number of blogroll items. It's not for lack of gratitude.

Steve said...

That's promising, Barr only needs 2% in Iowa to secure ballot access for the LP in 2010, I think he can do it, especially as O-bomb'em widens his lead and Barr doesn't seem such a "wasted vote."

Anonymous said...

On the subject of Barr, you may appreciate this:

Keep on fighting for liberty.

Anonymous said...

*Whoops My post