Sunday, September 21, 2008

3 Percent!!!

"3 percent in the poll said they would support someone else"

Must have been no option for the third party voters such as *cough* Bob Barr *cough*.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Government take-over

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac now under control of the government.

After a long day of work, I get home, fire up the internet and read this...

"The Bush administration announced Sunday it was taking control of the two institutions to avert the potential for major financial turmoil."

The first thing that I could think of we really are on our way to Socialism.
These were two privately owned businesses that are now under complete control of our government. My new career goal is to create a trillion dollar business, do whatever I want and then if I ever make a mistake, the government will step in to help me out! Wow, what a business model.

Both companies were placed into a government conservatorship that will be run by the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the new agency created by Congress this summer to regulate Fannie and Freddie. The executives and board of directors of both institutions are being replaced."

I wonder what other companies will be put under control of our government?