Friday, January 25, 2008


In the course of the past year, I have been thoroughly re-energized in my political involvement by the campaign of Congressman Ron Paul of Texas. After being disillusioned for years by politics, particularly by a President who has fundamentally contradicted the princples that my party, the Republican Party, is supposed to stand for, this great man has brought these principles back to the forefront and given rise to a widespread movement to bring the country back to one in which government is limited in its size and operations by the Constitution and in which economic and individual liberty govern us. I have become firmly committed to this movement, as I am the Coordinator of the Students for Ron Paul chapter at the University of North Carolina, and I am currently the Youth Coordinator and a Volunteer Coordinator with the BJ Lawson for US Congress campaign in District 4 of NC.

I am currently a 4th-year Senior at UNC, double-majoring in Economics and Math. I aspire to one day become an economist in the financial sector and to do what I can to champion the principle that has led to the greatest growth and advancement of all human kind and
the idea for which all most fundamentally yearn: the principle of Liberty.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for the welcome. I'm a Libertarian, and a "Republican" in the true sense of the word, though less so in terms of modern-day party connotation.

I heard about you through, another excellent blog.

I see that you are into mathematics and economics, so I'd like to introduce you to my pet project to save the world, called Range Voting. It's a voting method where we score the candidates, e.g. 0-10 or 1-5, and the one with the most points wins.

Here's where math/econ comes in. According to Bayesian regret figures by Princeton math Ph.D. Warren D. Smith, Range Voting is as big an improvement over our current plurality voting system as plurality is over random non-democratic selection.

It is advocated in the William Poundstone book Gaming the Vote, due out on 2008.2.5. I wrote about Range Voting for the Libertarian Reform Caucus here.

Good to have another pro-liberty, pro-conservative-economics blog out there on the net.

Best regards,
Clay Shentrup
San Francisco, CA

LibertyRepublican said...

That certainly sounds like an interesting idea. I am into exploring it more, for sure.

Thank you for stopping by. You are welcome here anytime. I hope to continue a dialog with you.