Friday, April 11, 2008

We would never make an issue of this, even though we just did.

I just read a very amusing piece of double-talk courtesy of Howard Dean, via ABC News. Here's the just of the article:

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Thursday that swing voters participating in focus groups commissioned by the D.N.C. bring up John McCain's age unprompted.
"We didn't bring it up, but they volunteered it," said Dean who explained that voters have two concerns about McCain's age.
But lo and behold! Democrats would NEVER bring up an issue like this before the media, because they are just way too ethical!

While knocking McCain's "old-fashioned" views, Dean maintained that the Democratic Party was unlikely to invoke McCain's age in the fall campaign.

"I doubt we will bring it up in the election," said Dean, referring to the age issue. "There is somewhat of a higher ethical bar on what we do."

"We don't have any Lee Atwaters or Karl Roves on our side," he added.

Oh, yeah. The Democrats have no one on their side who would dare stoop to the levels of personal destruction as part of campaign strategy. Oh, wait.

I used to have a lot of respect for Howard Dean, but this latest episode is just one of many that have led me to the conclusion that he is, quite simply, a massive douchebag.

Note: This post is, by no means, a defense of John McCain, but rather a calling out of, well, cockameme by the DNC. I do not want this post to be confused with support of any measure for McCain. I do not support him, and I will not vote for him. Period.

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