Monday, June 9, 2008

Barr-Root 2008: My Analysis (Finally)

I'm a couple of weeks late in discussing this, but I've finally come around to it. My apologies for my tardiness.

I am obviously very pleased about Bob Barr's nomination for President. I endorsed him a couple of months ago for office, and I will easily support him vigorously and vote for him in November. As I stated in a previous post, I disagree with the key objections of some libertarians to him based on past votes in Congress, as I believe they are either ignorant (accusing him of having an anti-civil liberties record because of his Patriot Act vote, when in fact he had a long record of defending the Bill of Rights and fought to get sunset clauses into the Patriot Act before he voted for it, is just wrong) or misguided (as in the case of drugs; he did go to work for the Marijuana Policy Project after he left Congress, so while his position isn't perfect, he's coming around). Furthermore, his coming around on DOMA and calling for repeal of the definition of marriage for purposes federal law is very welcome.

That Bob Barr is an effective politician and will be an effective candidate for the Party is undoubtable. He is a very intelligent, passionate, and well-spoken man who has impressive credentials in a sphere of issues- Civil Liberties- that must be addressed, will have great political appeal, and will bring many new voters to the Libertarian Party. Representative Barr is often criticized for his lack of charisma, but I think he brings another intrinsic quality that will be very politically appealing: seriousness. When he speaks, he comes across as very focused, professional, and businesslike. I believe that these are the characteristics that many people are looking for in a leader now, and they contrast well with Obama's brash aloofness and McCain's temperamental brazenness. Furthermore, it is a terrific quality in a messenger for libertarianism, which is too often associated with the word "kook."

This brings me a great deal of uneasiness about Wayne Allyn Root's selection as the Vice Presidential candidate. For all of Barr's sobriety, Root is in equal measure grotesquely obnoxious in a way reminiscing of the used car salesman from hell. This is readily apparent in any video of him available online. He is firmly a man of Vegas, and not only does he seem oblivious to the possible political drawbacks of such a personality, but promotes this persona as if it is that of a model citizen. While brings great energy to the ticket and is a confident (even intelligent) speaker. He can also be serious and focused, as he demonstrates in this debate with Mike Gravel. However, generally speaking, he also has a certifiably basket case personality, and the campaign should always make sure to keep a bottle of Valium close by at all times.

Given the potential candidates for the position, though, he's probably the best choice. Steve Kubby, the other major candidate for the nomination, goes to great lengths to do nothing to perpetuate the common libertarian stereotype of what The Economist calls the "Refer Madness" wing of the LP. Mary Ruwart, while a very intelligent woman and an effective and rational communicator, also possesses a skeleton closet full of not-so-carefully-worded writings, such as the child porn fiasco. It is disappointing, though, that she did not even declare her candidacy for the position, if for no other reason than the silent declaration that she will have nothing to do with this campaign. She would have been an effective evangelical on its behalf.

The really good news for the Party is that it looks like it's united behind this ticket. I was very worried about the prospect of a blowup at the site of a Barr-Root ticket, given that both are former Republicans. The Radical Caucus certainly seemed to be leading an energized "Anybody But Barr" movement, but it did not culminate in a massive walkout after the ticket was formed. This is good news, as it appears the LP is starting to understand the unprecedented political opportunity they have on behalf of liberty, in light of Ron Paul's illuminating campaign. More political pragmatism throughout in the LP going forward can only be positive.

Barr-Root will be the ticket that will establish the LP as a true political force. I would project right now their popular vote total will fall somewhere in the range of 5-20%, which would be simply outstanding. From this campaign will come more money, more perception of credibility, more motivation for activists, and the construction of a legitimate organization that will establish it as THE 3rd Party. Where the Perot campaign failed in establishing a long-term 3rd Party movement, it did so because it emphasized a quixotic, and largely authoritarian, set of policy positions and was centered around a candidate who was perceived as kooky. The Barr campaign will succeed because it will be lead by a candidate who is serious and will focus on a truly new "way," as opposed to the Democratic and Republican "ways."

But Barr-Root will also have a positive impact for us libertarian Republicans who want to bring the Party back in line with the ideas of Goldwater and the rhetoric of Reagan. For one, both candidate symbolize the disaffected Republican: the fiscally conservative, socially tolerant, pro-civil liberties Republican who is tiring of the Bush Republicans' expansion of government spending and regulation, assaults on the Bill of Rights, failed Iraq War and foreign policy, use of divisive social rhetoric in lieu of addressing more important issues, and the general incompetence of leaders in the Party. Barr-Root will obviously be heavily targeting disaffected Republicans, but its greatest performance will be among Independents (which include all non-Republicans and non-Democrats) and among new voters. The success of Barr-Root will demonstrate the potency of libertarianism as a political force and the necessity of advocating for truly limited government if they are to maintain a long-term movement that can sustain and repel the anti-liberty tide being generated by the new Democrats.

I have never been as excited about a Presidential Campaign as I have been about Ron Paul's campaign. Barr-Root will receive every ounce of it going into November.


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