Monday, June 2, 2008

Bob Barr polling 6% in North Carolina

From Public Policy Polling:

With Obama as the Democratic Nominee:

John McCain 43%
Barack Obama 40%
Bob Barr 6%

With Clinton as the Democratic Nominee:

John McCain 39%
Hillary Clinton 34%
Bob Barr 6%

This is a solid start for the Barr campaign, and it hasn't really even started rolling yet. When the campaign starts raising money (and it will) and getting more media, those poll numbers will only rise.

Libertarianism is strong in North Carolina, with strong leadership at the stead. The Ron Paul Meetup groups had large numbers in N.C.. B.J. Lawson won a convincing victory in the Republican Congressional Primary in the 4th District. Mike Munger is the best candidate the Libertarian Party has ever run for N.C. governor, and with unprecedented media exposure for libertarian candidates, he is polling very similarly to Barr. If I was calling it right now, I would predict that Barr will get Double-Digits in November.

I have a post with my analysis of the Libertarian Party Convention and on the Barr-Root ticket coming up tonight. In short, I am obviously very happy that Barr is the nominee, and while I do believe that Root will be an energetic and articulate cheerleader for the Party, I really worry that his "personality" (if it can be called such) will have quite the grating effect on voters. Furthermore, I really worry that going with Root will alienate a large segment of the Party who will be needed on the ground working for the ticket in order for the LP to make the splash that's needed in November. I really wish that Mary Ruwart would have been able to put aside her self-righteousness and run for the Vice Presidential nomination. She surely would have won, and a Barr-Ruwart ticket would have had the perfect balance.

Check back around 8 PM; hopefully, it will be done before then. It better be: my Pens are fighting for their Stanley Cup lives tonight; fingers crossed.


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